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Reading: Mature Topics for Lower Ability Readers

Price: £25.00
Age Range: KS4

Concepts and topics which demand mature thought are presented using low-level vocabulary and language to assist students with reading difficulties. Worksheets are in pairs, comprising illustrated passages on the first page, and comprehension exercises and writing starters on the second.

Topics include: A place of your own; Splitting up; Exam nerves; Alone again; Violence; Racism; Peer pressure.

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Size: 62 Pages
ISBN: 978 1 873562 73 4
Code: REMT
Popularity rank: 200
Average Customer Review:  * * * * *  based on 2 reviews

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Contents List


  • 1-3 ALONE AGAIN This unit looks at the issue of rejection in terms of both boy-girl relationships and friendship.
  • 5-7 DRESSED TO KILL This unit looks at fashion and how it changes.
  • 9-11 WHAT SHOULD SHE DO? This unit looks at the pressures on young people to become sexually active before they feel emotionally ready to do so.
  • 13-15 IT'S UP TO YOU This unit invites students to think about contraceptives and whether it is men or women who should be responsible for getting hold of them.
  • 17-19 HOLDING THE BABY This unit attempts to help students appreciate what is involved in looking after a young child.
  • 21-23 EVERYONE'S DOING IT This unit looks at drugs and the pressures on young people to take them.
  • 25-27 'ERE WE GO This unit looks at violent and racist behaviour at football matches.
  • 29-31 A PLACE OF YOUR OWN This unit encourages students to consider the realities of living away from home.
  • 33-35 EXAM NERVES This unit looks at ways of coping with examinations and other stressful situations.
  • 37-39 SPLITTING UP This unit explores the effects of parents' divorce or separation on young people.
  • 41-43 HANGING AROUND This unit looks at young people's leisure interests.
  • 45-47 A DROP TOO MUCH This unit looks at alcohol and its effects.
  • 49-51 I WANT TO BE... This unit aims to show students that reality does not always match up to expectations.
  • 53-55 WHEN THE MONEY STOPS This unit looks at the issue of unemployment in terms of its effects on family life, and encourages students to think about how these effects could be mitigated.



Name and school withheld.

great starter for class
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really interesting topics for the upper, lots to engage lower ability boys.
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Teacher Testing Report

Discussion of alternatives led to some real sharing of knowledge and experience. The choice of topics was well in line with KS4 both in English back up and more particularly in the field of PSE.
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Teacher Testing Report

The illustrations provide clear comprehension and a memory jogger, as well as containing significance which can be discussed by the class.
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Teacher Testing Report

Even pupils with difficulty with independent learning managed very well with the minimum of prompting.
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Teacher Testing Report

I am particularly pleased that most topics are of interest to both boys and girls. Students enjoyed the grown up element of talking about what they saw as an adult problem. The language was such that even the less able were able to join in.
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Teacher Testing Report

Covers topics in personal and social education programme; Relevant to cross curricular themes: citizenship/health/education/economic and industrial understanding.
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Teacher Testing Report

I was impressed with both the use of language and the layout. The choice of topics was well in line with KS4 both as English back up and more particularly in the field of PSE. It caught their (the students) interest at once.
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Teacher Testing Report

The simplicity of the text made the ideas very easy for them they were not anxious about expressing their ideas.
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Teacher Testing Report

The simplicity of the text made the ideas very easy for them they weren't anxious about expressing their ideas. Relevant, encouraged positive discussion and approaches rather than straightforward moral condemnation.
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Teacher Testing Report

Instantly accessible. Short, pertinent texts engendered discussion and "brainstorms".
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Teacher Testing Report

Very up to date and accessible subjects with an honest but not sensationalist approach. Useful for English and PSE, dealing with really down to earth issues. Good, clear questions, interesting, short and easy text. Not "preachy" or melodramatic.
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Teacher Testing Report

All students felt they could read and succeed at the work. These pupils have difficulty with independent learning, but they managed very well with the minimum of prompting.
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