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INSET: Raising Achievement

Price: £35.00
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The aim of this course is simple: to help you build an achievement culture in your school. By achievement, we mean something beyond good exam results - the development of an on-going commitment to ensuring that every student fulfils their potential in all areas of their life.

The most consistently effective INSET is that run by teachers from within the school, who know the people involved and the issues of immediate importance. Chalkface INSET packs structure the course for you but are flexible enough to be modified to meet the local need. The authors envisage the course being delivered as a series of twighlight sessions, but a single whole day or other format could be equally effective.

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Size: 75 Pages
ISBN: 978 1 86025 225 9
Code: INRA
Popularity rank: 368

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Contents List

Session 1: Establishing a Praise Culture

  • Examines the relative effects of positive and negative feedback, and the success of various kinds of reward.

Session 2: Assessing and Recording Achievement

  • Considers how teachers let students know what assessment achievement targets they can reach and how students are involved in recording their own achievements. Also asks how we develop a commonality of approach and explores ways of using current assessment to inform future tasks.

Session 3: Matching the Curriculum to Students' Needs

  • Asks how we can ensure that the curriculum is as appropriate as possible to a range of students and how we can manage students who refuse to accept the curriculum. Also looks at ways of adapting the compulsory parts of the curriculum so that we can play to our - and our students' - strengths.

Session 4: Fostering Good Relationships: Students, Staff & Parents

  • Considers how to build positive working relationships at all levels. Asks how students are to be involved in building up their side of a good relationship. Looks at working with a partner, in a team, as part of a community.

Session 5: Recognising Achievement Outside the Curriculum

  • Looks at why such achievement is seen to be important and asks how we foster success in fields outside school. Also explores how we can use formal and informal recognition of such achievements to feed positive images back into the school community.

Session 6: Giving Students Responsibility

  • Considers what opportunities we offer students to show that they are responsible and trustworthy. Also explores how we cope with and manage irresponsible students and how we can involve parents / carers in engendering responsibility.

Session 7: Teaching by Example and using Peer Encouragement

  • Asks how important it is to set a good example and considers what are the most important traits to exhibit to students and parents / carers. Also explores where we can use our own experience and expertise to enhance learning in the classroom.

Session 8: Classroom Management: Differentiation & Expectations

  • Explores how we can make lessons interesting and motivating. Also considers strategies for coping with troublemakers, the recalcitrant and the disruptive. Encourages teachers to share other people's good practice, and to support one another.