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GNVQ Level 2 in Science: Communication

Price: £25.00
Age Range: KS4+

Key Skills remain an integral part of GNVQs although achievement of a GNVQ is no longer dependent on them as they are separately certificated. The revised Key Skills units are signposted within the vocational units and support Key Skills achievement. Chalkface worksheets use naturally occurring opportunities in study to develop key skills during teaching, learning and assessment.

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Size: 96 Pages
ISBN: 978 1 86025 055 2
Code: GQCS
Popularity rank: 407

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Contents List


  • 1 GROWTH FACTORS This page presents students with the practical problems of determining optimum growth conditions for seedlings.Acting as 'consultants' for a garden centre, students must set up and monitor an appropriate testing regime. Their findings must then be analysed and presented to enable meaningful recommendations to be made to a commercial grower.
  • 5 GROWTH REPORT The aim of this page is for students to write and present a report, based upon a set of scientific findings either generated by the students, or provided for them. The report must be tailored to the needs of a client, whose business is clearly identified, and recommendations should be made.
  • 7 MATERIAL MATTERS This page asks students to carry out a series of tests on a range of building materials and to draw results from these tests. Students should show an understanding of materials and their properties.
  • 11 MATERIAL EVIDENCE The aim of this page is for students to complete a 'pre-set' report on the findings of a scientific investigation into properties of materials.
  • 13 MATERIAL DE-BRIEF This page asks students to prepare and present a report of some scientific tests, and to display the results and discuss the findings.
  • 15 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS This page enable students to carry out an analysis of one or more commercial fertilizers, using standard scientific techniques.
  • 19 RELEVANT REPORTING This page asks students to complete a pre-set report on the chemical analysis of a substance, and to summarise the findings of the report in a written form.
  • 21 FAST FOOD This page asks students to set up regimes for growing radishes on a small scale and then monitor costs, timings and quality. Students consider the problems of quality control and large-scale production. They produce a questionnaire to discover what consumers look for when buying radishes.
  • 25 FAST FOOD REPORT This page asks students to prepare a report of the radish growing exercise for a client. They analyse the results and make recommendations about large scale production of radishes. The activity could quite easily be adapted for another crop.
  • 27 WASTE DISPOSAL This page asks students to produce samples of water and sodium chloride as 'harmless' products of the industrial process of reacting hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. Students should attempt to refine this method and analyse the products for purity.
  • 31 WASTE REPORT Students should discuss the implications of waste storage and consider specific problems, such as conversion of harmful waste to safe products.
  • 33 FINDING A LEVEL This page asks students to build and test a device to detect water, within a specific context.
  • 37 FINDING OUT This page enables students to develop an appreciation of purpose and audience with regard to interviewing techniques. Students focus on an appropriate style of interviewing for carrying out market research. Critical skills in communication are developed through evaluation of the work produced.
  • 39 HARD SELL This page helps students to produce a report and a marketing plan for a product they have made themselves. The market should be clearly defined by the student and evidence should be produced to show that the product fulfills that market niche.
  • 41 MARBLE MAZE This page asks students to construct and trial a marble maze, varying the conditions that testers are subjected to. The trialling should be specifically related to distraction in the workplace and therefore to worker efficiency.
  • 45 MARBLE REPORT The aim of this page is for students to demonstrate the ability to relate laboratory work to a factory context. Students construct a report for a company, with recommendations about the optimum conditions for worker efficiency. The report should emphasise the desirability of having a non-distractive, quiet environment.
  • 47 GAS PRODUCTION The aim of this page is for students to set up a procedure in which an exact amount of carbon dioxide gas is evolved and collected.
  • 51 GAS REPORT This page asks students to produce a report for a client on a controlled chemical reaction. The report should use pre-set headings provided for the student.
  • 53 PULLEY PROBLEM This page asks students to set up and trial a model pulley system, and to investigate the efficiency of the system.
  • 57 PULLEY REPORT This page asks students to research feasible load and effort values for hauling bricks up a building using a pulley system. The context is a building site and the client is a building contractor.
  • 59 PULLEY DE-BRIEF This page asks students to produce a report summarising the findings of a feasibility study, and to prepare and deliver a presentation of the findings with visual aids.