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Religious Perspectives on Contentious Issues for GCSE RE

Price: £25.00
Age Range: KS4

Examines Christian, Islamic and Jewish viewpoints in line with GCSE RS requirements. Helps low- to average-attaining students explore their own opinions and develop decision-making skills through compelling contemporary issues.

Topics include: How the Different Faiths Make Moral Decisions; Media and the Internet Beneficial or Not?; Genetic Engineering; Abortion; Euthanasia; Life After Death; Gambling; Capital Punishment; War and Peace; Use and Abuse of Power; Human Rights; Individuality; Self-worth.

The pack includes 5 web-based homeworks which can be set, completed and marked online using our Yacapaca assessment platform. List of homeworks (requires free Yacapaca membership).

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Size: 65 Pages
ISBN: 978 186025 389 8
Author(s): Jonathon Gregory
Code: RPCI
Popularity rank: 130
Average Customer Review:  * * * * *  based on 1 review

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Contents List


  • 7 HEAR, O ISRAEL Considering the moral framework of Judaism - students look at how moral decisions are made.
  • 9 THE RIGHT PATH Considering the moral framework of Christianity - students look at how moral decisions are made.
  • 11 FOLLOW THE LEADER Considering the moral framework of Islam - students look at how moral decisions are made.
  • 13 SUPERHIGHWAY Understanding the Internet and how it works.
  • 15 WELL-CONNECTED Students look at the benefits of the Internet and how it can affect people's lives.
  • 17 A WEB OF DECEIT? Students consider how the Internet can be used for evil purposes.
  • 19 CONTROLLING LIFE Students look at the issues raised by genetic engineering and how these issues are addressed by different faiths.
  • 21 FOOD FOR THOUGHT Students consider genetically modified food and religious views on it.
  • 23 TWO'S COMPANY Students consider the issues of cloning and religious views on it.
  • 25 HAPPY 200TH BIRTHDAY! This page considers the pros and cons of our increasing lifespan.
  • 27 GOOD MEDICINE? Students consider the conflicts that can occur between the law and medicine, when faced with ethical dilemmas.
  • 29 X-RATED Students think about the issues of censorship and religious views on the matter.
  • 31 EXPLOITING THE EARTH Students look at the issues relating to abuse of the environment and consider things from a religious perspective.
  • 33 ABORTION ON DEMAND Students consider abortion and religious views on it.
  • 35 MY LIFE, MY CHOICE Students look at euthanasia and how religions regard the issue.
  • 37 IS THIS IT? Students consider people's attitudes to life after death and how their beliefs affect their behaviour in life.
  • 39 HOT GOSSIP Students investigate the benefits of the media and religious attitudes to it.
  • 41 TWISTING THE TRUTH Students turn their attention to problems associated with different aspects of the media.
  • 43 A REAL TURN-ON Students evaluate the influences of TV and video and reflect on the religious views surrounding these media.
  • 45 IT COULD BE YOU! Students consider why people gamble and look at religious views on gambling.
  • 47 WHATEVER YOU WANT! Students reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of various forms of entertainment and consider religious views on the subject.
  • 49 A GOOD LIFE Students consider what is meant by 'a good life'.
  • 51 STAR STRUCK Students look at the cult of the celebrity and explore how religions view it.
  • 53 A PROBLEM REMOVED Students consider the issues surrounding capital punishment, including religious views on it.
  • 55 CARNAGE OR CARNIVAL? Students look at the questions raised by war and peace and religious views on the issue.
  • 57 POWERFUL OR POWER FOOL? This page investigates the use and abuse of power and how religions view the matter.
  • 59 BACK TO BASICS Students investigate human rights in the UK and consider those rights from a religious point of view.
  • 61 WHAT'S THE POINT? Students consider the nature of suffering and the way in which religion deals with the issue.
  • 63 THE REAL ME Looking at 'personhood' and individuality and religious views on the personal, social, moral and spiritual aspects of individuals.
  • 65 I FEEL GOOD Students consider the importance of self-worth and what religions have to say about it.



Name and school withheld.

The ideas and lesson plans are good, if a bit 'same-y'. The unfortunate thing I found about the worksheets is that they aren't actually worksheets, they're more like instruction sheets. Not sure if I like the starter and plenery on the sheet. As stated although useful, I shall to 'cut and paste' an awful lot.
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