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Assessing and Reporting ICT in Core Subjects

Price: £25.00
Age Range: KS3

Enable your colleagues in other subjects to assess and report their use of ICT. The pack is divided into six sections covering the core subjects: English; Science; MFL; Design and Technology; Maths; Humanities. Hand out the relevant worksheets to each department, and ease the burden of finding good, assessable tasks for their students.

Topics include: Modelling; Communicating and handling information; Controlling and measuring.

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Size: 81 Pages
ISBN: 978 1 86025 292 1
Author(s): Edward Bartosinski
Code: ARIC
Popularity rank: 414

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Contents List



  • 7 DRIVING LICENCE Using ICT to generate, amend, organise and present ideas. English level 6, ICT level 3
  • 9 HOW DO I GET THERE? Combining differing forms of information. English level 5, ICT level 4
  • 11 ACCIDENT! Organising and presenting information in different forms and styles. English level 4, ICT level 5
  • 13 TOWN TRAFFIC CHAOS Developing and refining work using information from a range of sources. English level 5, ICT level 6
  • 15 TOURIST INFORMATION Combining electronic and other forms of information for an audience unfamiliar with, and critical of, the material. English level 6, ICT level 7


  • 17 TIME YOUR REACTIONS Entering a program to demonstrate control. Science level 2, ICT level 3
  • 19 COLDER THAN ICE Using ICT to sense data and display it. Science level 3, ICT level 4
  • 21 HAVE YOU LOCKED UP? Creating sets of instructions to control events. Science level 4, ICT level 5
  • 23 QUIETEN IT Using ICT devices to monitor and measure external events. Science level 5, ICT level 6
  • 25 ICE CUBES Using ICT equipment and software to measure and record variables. Science level 6, ICT level 7

Design and Technology

  • 27 TIME IT Instructions to control equipment to achieve specific outcomes. D&T level 2, ICT level 3
  • 29 CONTROL IT Controlling events in a pre-determined manner. D&T level 3, ICT level 4
  • 31 PARTY HATS Framing and sequencing instructions to control events. D&T level 4, ICT level 5
  • 33 IF... AND... Students develop, trial and refine instructions to control events, demonstrating awareness of efficiency and economy in framing these instructions. D&T level 5, ICT level 6
  • 35 BIRTHDAY CAKES Design of procedures with variables which meet identified needs. D&T level 6, ICT level 7
  • 37 WHAT IS IT? Students use ICT to save data and access stored information following straightforward lines of enquiry. D&T level 2, ICT level 3
  • 39 STORE KEEPING Students add to, amend and interrogate information that has been stored. D&T level 3, ICT level 4
  • 41 WHAT DOES IT NEED? The effects of changing the variables in a model. D&T level 4, ICT level 5
  • 43 SPREADSHEET Varying the rules within models, and assessing the validity of models. D&T level 5, ICT level 6
  • 45 GET IT RIGHT Designing models and procedures with variables which meet identified needs. D&T level 6, ICT level 7

Modern Foreign Languages

  • 47 COLOUR Using ICT to generate, amend, organise and present ideas. Modern Foreign Languages level 2, ICT level 3
  • 49 PAINTING BY NUMBERS Combining different forms of information. Modern Foreign Languages level 1 (reading), ICT level 4
  • 51 VOCABULARY Organising, refining and presenting information in different styles and forms for specific purposes and audiences. Modern Foreign Languages level 3 (writing), ICT level 5
  • 53 FIND IT Organising, refining and presenting information in different styles and forms for specific purposes and audiences. Modern Foreign Languages level 2, ICT level 5
  • 55 LEARN IT Combining electronic and other information and presenting it to an audience unfamiliar with it. Modern Foreign Languages level 3, ICT level 7


  • 57 TIMES TABLES Using ICT-based models or simulations to help make decisions. Maths level 3, ICT level 3
  • 59 CARPETS Using ICT-based models and simulations to explore patterns and relationships. Maths level 4, ICT level 4
  • 61 AWKWARD ROOMS The effects of changing variables in a computer model. Maths level 4, ICT level 5
  • 63 TOO MANY TINS The effects of changing variables in a computer model. Maths level 5, ICT level 6
  • 65 HOW MANY ROLLS? Designing computer models or procedures with variables which meet identified needs. Maths level 6, ICT level 7 (modelling)


  • 67 WHAT WAS IT LIKE WHEN..? History activity using ICT to generate, amend, organise and present ideas. History level 2, ICT level 3
  • 69 WHO? Adding and amending data in a database and interrogating the database. History level 3, ICT level 4
  • 71 WHO? (II) Assessing applications and accessing information using ICT system. History level 4, ICT level 7
  • 73 WEATHER OR NOT Using ICT to organise, refine and present information. Geography level 4, ICT level 5
  • 75 MAX - MIN Using ICT devices to monitor and measure external events. Geography level 5, ICT level 6
  • 77 MAP IT Combining a variety of forms of information for presentation to an unfamiliar and critical audi-ence. Geography level 6, ICT level 7


  • 78 Time your reactions - QBASIC program to support 'TIME YOUR REACTIONS' worksheet
  • 79 Level Descriptors
  • 80 KS3 POS Statement/Substatement



Donnamarie Benvin at Curriculum Manager George Stephensen High School

I have many collegues who teach ICT cross curricular and I would advise them to get this publication. It has good ideas and relate each topic to a subject an level. A great book
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